Health and safety training for mining professionals
Health and safety training for mining professionals
A commitment to ongoing Health and Safety training will not only saves lives but also ensures the success of your operations.
We’ve designed a range of comprehensive courses that will keep you up to date on industry best-practise so you can make a real impact on the lives of your team.
10th - 11th Dec
Brisbane - Royal On The Park
Learn the practical skills to develop and implement a Critical Risk Management (CRM) program for your business.
Content includes; Critical Controls, Bowtie Analysis, Broad Brush Risk Assessment, Critical Control Performance Standards CRM templates included.
Stay updated with the latest real-world practical tips to improve mining safety.
Facilitating a risk assessment can sometimes require more than just following a set
Last week, I had the privilege of conducting what I consider one of
One of the critical aspects of risk management in any industry is not